Category: Claims Management

Business Systems Analyst

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia is a provincial Crown corporation established in 1973 to provide universal auto insurance to B.C. motorists. They are also responsible for driver licensing, and vehicle licensing and registration.

Source Data Quality Project:

The Source Data Quality Project was a sub-project of the Crime, Crash, Contravention and Corporate Data Warehouse projects.

  • The primary objective was to investigate issues and analyze data to identify the root cause of data quality issues and drive practical solutions to root causes to address problems.

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Business Analyst

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia is a provincial Crown corporation established in 1973 to provide universal auto insurance to B.C. motorists. They are also responsible for driver licensing, and vehicle licensing and registration.

Intersection Safety Camera Program:

The primary objective of the I.C.B.C., Intersection Safety Camera Program was to gather business requirements for an estimated $13,800,000.00 project with the plan to rotate 30 red light cameras and deploy decoy units at 120 provincial and municipal intersections.

A team of two business analysts were engaged to jointly facilitate the JAD sessions and elicit requirements, determine business rules and obtain consensus with all participants to ensure a shared understanding.

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